"What is real cannot be threatened, what is unreal does not exist. Herein lies the peace of god." -A Course in Miracles This must be prefaced by saying that there can never be a real crisis in the sense of risk to a being's true nature. Nothing operates outside of consciousness and therefore everything is always in a state of perfection, gracefully guided by god/pure consciousness. Nothing can damage consciousness. The only risk present in this life is suffering, which is sadly a reality for many beings. Fortunately, suffering is fundamentally unnecessary and is easily overcome. In order to transcend suffering, we must first understand why we suffer. "Life is change." Growth is optional. Choose wisely." -Albert Einstein It is a hard pill for many to swallow, but all of our suffering in this life comes from our own free will actions and thoughts. As described by Buddha in the four noble truths of buddhism, one of the major causes of pain is attachment. Attachment is brought upon by ignorance. Material life is change, nothing stays the same indefinitely in this world. As such, it is natural for us to go with the flow and accept the change as it comes and constantly be ready to adapt to more. As Darwin stated, the species with the highest survival rate is the species most adaptable to change. Due to ignorance of what's to come in the future, we can tend to resist change. We grow attached to how something is, and subsequently fear whatever unknown change may come. A lot of the times, the change may have benefited us in a constructive way in hindsight, but it may have been miserable at the moment. Let's say you get laid off from a job. It may be hard to deal with at first and you may resist, but the very act of losing it may open up something else for your life. You may offered a better job, or even become self employed and end up living a more fulfilling life as a result of what seemed like a negative at the time. Our constant labeling of things as "good or bad" creates undue stress and pain when we do not understand why things occur from a higher perspective. "Karma moves in two directions. If we act virtuously, the seed we plant will result in happiness. If we act non-virtuously, suffering results." -Sakyong Mipham Another major cause of suffering in this life is material desire and the "karma" it produces. The word karma means "action," and describes what we do in this life. As stated scientifically in Isaac Newton's third law of motion, for every action there is an equal an opposite reaction. For example, if you punch a brick wall, the amount of force your fist exerted on the wall will be returned to your fist by the wall. This is an integral function of the universe, to display to us the effect of an action by demonstrating the equal yet opposite response. It is also keeps us responsible for what we create by allowing us to reap what we sow. A lot of people view this as a form of universal justice and "what goes around comes around," but it is a little more complex than that. Whenever we act, our action is not from us to "others," but in actuality us to us. Everyone we experience is actually an aspect of ourselves that we are being shown almost as a mirror to view our own traits, and inherently cannot be separated. Therefore, every action we take remains with us as it is us. Rather than seeing it as a boomerang that comes back to the spot it was thrown from, it is more accurately described as follows. Imagine you lived in a snow globe, completely surrounding you but also being part of you. This would represent your energetic field. If you made a mess within the globe, the mess would remain there until it was cleaned or dealt with. In the same manner, anything we do remains with us energetically as emotion, and remains there until cleared. Let's say someone upset you and you sought revenge. Due to ignorance, you do not see that this person is also you and you seek to harm them (whether physically or emotionally). Any hurt or energy you project at this person would also be projected at you, as you that person. This would then lead to suffering, as you must endure the pain you caused. We must first conceive an action in our mind before we can take it. Therefore, the quality of our action is dictated by the quality of our thoughts. The quality of our thoughts are dictated on how much knowledge/consciousness we have to view the world from. You can imagine this consciousness as a window, the more you have the better you can see what lies beyond. Therefore, the quality of our life is dependent on how close to pure consciousness, or god, we are. When we do not truly understand our own nature, we tend to think in terms of solidity. We develop material desires based on survival in this world and progressing materially. The actions taken by the following of these material desires only bring us back more material desires, as we can never truly be satisfied without the spiritual. We continue to seek more material things, getting bored with the newly acquired things when newer, shinier ones become available. This then continues to bring material things as a reaction, leaving you trapped in the physical. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/8b/9f/eb/8b9feb9830236b7e20b508638140a5cd.jpg Simply existing within the physical is suffering, as it is not our true state. If we could witness our true state, it would mostly resemble a body of constantly moving rainbow colored light from a human perspective (as shown above). In this form, we are pure consciousness and in a perpetual state of simply being. When we live in a mortal state, we are subject to pain, illness, and death, as nothing in the material can live indefinitely. As pure consciousness, we cannot suffer or die, we can only continue to be and create. If we are ignorant of our true form as a being of pure consciousness, we are subject to living a material life. We have defined ourselves by our ego (name, physical appearance, hobbies,etc.), and are therefore no longer pure potential. To sum up, suffering is primarily due to ignorance. It should be noted that ignorance is the opposite of consciousness (god), therefore represents what some religions personify as the "devil." To now understand why ignorance occurs, we must first understand the cycles of creation. Everything begins in a state of perfection and wholeness after creation. Through the progression of what we call time, it begins to deteriorate and eventually returns to a state of nothingness. This is seen in the life cycles of animals, plants, and even the whole universe. This is represented in the hindu concept of "yugas," referring to an epoch or era within a four age cycle. The progression is as follows: Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga. There is a similar concept in greek mythology which labels the ages as Golden, Silver, Bronze and Iron.
The reason for this gradual decline is a very natural process; just as an apple begins ripe after creation and decays over time, the entire creation is subject to decay over time. Rather than going Satya--> Treta--> Dvapara--> Kali--> and then restarting with Satya, we observe upward and downward cycles. Starting at Satya, a downward spiral from consciousness leads us to Kali, and then an upward spiral back to consciousness brings us back to Satya. Many people claim we are currently in the Kali yuga, according to calculations from ancient texts. It is stated that conditions on earth are to get worst, and the news seem to reflect that. It was calculated that a yuga lasts around 432,000 years, placing us currently in the final age. In opposition, a spiritual researcher named Sri Yukteswar recalculated from the scriptures and stated a yuga to actually only be 24,000 years long, putting us not in the Kali Yuga but in the Dvapara. According to the recalculations, the Kali Yuga ended in 1700 AD. This would make more sense, as the medieval times were quite more reflective of an age of ignorance than is today. We have come a long way scientifically and have certainly raised our consciousness since then. In this era of Dvapara, we all must do our part to continue the increase of consciousness in man and the relief of suffering of all. This can be accomplished through the sending and receiving of spiritual energy. “No man should think himself a zero, and think he can do nothing about the state of the world" -Bernard M. Baruch We can all help heal the world, even without leaving our own house! Anyone can send and receive spiritual energy, and in doing so drastically change the world for the better. It is as natural to us as walking or breathing. In this day and age when lower emotions continue to plague many, it is infinitely more valuable to provide loving service to others than even meditating for thousands of years. Not doing any active harm is of course better than the reverse – but it is still not enough. Nor is self-improvement on its own enough – however spiritual it may be. To heal the world, we have to go out of our way to help others to bring about a positive change in their lives as well. There are many ways to do this – and many wonderful people – of all the great religions, and even of no religion – who perform various kinds of invaluable service in this respect. You can too! Spiritual energy can heal others in mind and body – and most importantly raise consciousness thereby helping people to rise above the weaknesses of greed, materialism, violent emotion, hate, jealousy, desire for vengeance and so on. In sending love and light to others, you are raising them up along with yourself, as we are one integrated whole.
We are also working to change the collective karma of the human race. The more good we do – the more service we perform – the better the karma. The better each individual’s karma, the better the karma of the world. Improving the world karma has a direct effect on the conditions on Earth and all of its inhabitants. No matter what the mainstream media portrays, conditions are getting better everyday. We are becoming more tolerant, more understanding, and more unified in time. More spiritual energy is becoming available as the universe becomes more conscious of itself. Newer generations are improving, and many children come into this world nowadays with extraordinary talents. We really are moving towards a golden era and towards perfection, and the key is increasing consciousness through the giving and receiving of spiritual energy. To help out, head over to the earth energy meditation and send healing love and light to the earth's energy centers. This would effect the entire consciousness of the planet, thereby effecting the beings who inhabit it. You can also send love to others from the community in the Transcended Garden.
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